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Conspiracy LIVE

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Place two players in love, they will become <span class="bold lover">Lovers</span> and join you on your team.

Protect those players.

If either of them die, you will also die.

<span class="bold conditionalAbility">10 players or less at the start of the game:</span> Your power grows relative to the number of players in the game. If the game starts with 10 or less you must survive to ensure your team can win.

Team Lover


Choose a player to be your <span class="effect">Role Model.</span>

If they die you will <span class="upgrade">betray</span> your current team and begin your journey as the <span class="conspirer">Teenage Conspirer.</span>

Team Neighbour


Choose one player to be <span class="effect">Arrested.</span>

The arrested player will not be able to wake up in the night and perform their role.

They also cannot be killed by the <span class="conspirer">Conspirer Team</span> or be seen by <span class="neighbour">nosey neighbours.</span>

Team Neighbour


As a master of your profession, you take it upon yourself to try and prevent the misdealings that are occurring in the neighbourhood.

You know that your neighbours can’t resist your baking so you deliver one of your finest cakes every night to a resident of your choice.

Before you depart, you add just the right amount of <span class="bold ability">poison</span> to incapacitate your target for one night, leaving them unable to wake up and perform their role.

If you visit the same person two nights in a row then the <span class="bold ability">poison</span> will not only stop them from performing their role again it will result in their death!

Team Neighbour


Choose a player to <span class="bold ability">guard</span>. If a guarded player is targeted by the <span class="bold conspirer">Conspirer team</span> then instead of the targeted player dying a <span class="bold conspirer">Conspirer</span> will die in their place, if there is one still alive.

You can <span class="bold ability">Unguard</span> a player by choosing a player that is already <span class="bold ability">guarded.</span>

You only have enough power to <span class="bold ability">kill once </span> and if you die before your ability is used then the protection you once gave will be lost.

Team Neighbour


Work with your <span class="effect">ghost</span> to get them killed so you can start getting information from them.

Learn what you can from your <span class="effect">dead ghost</span> in the night, but make sure you don't spend too long in the <span class="psychic">otherworld</span>, spending too long there will result in your <span class="conspirer">DEATH!</span>

You can not win if your <span class="effect">ghost</span> survives.

Team Psychic


Wake up during the night and as a team choose who you want to kill.

That player will die in the morning if another role does not prevent it.

Team Conspirer


Take control and guide your teammates to victory.

Utilise your personal skills to help get the upper hand.

You will have the ability to <span class="bold ability">Spy, Seek, Shield, Swap, Subdue and Stun</span> during the night.

Team Conspirer


<span class="ability">Accuse</span> a player of being on the <span class="conspirer">Conspirer Team</span>. You don't have to if you don't want to.

The players to the left and right of that player will also come under suspicion, even if they are dead.

If none of the three are on the <span class="conspirer">Conspirer Team</span> then you will lose your <span class="ability">ability to accuse</span> again.

Team Neighbour

Woman At The Window

Choose a player and their role will be revealed to you.

If you choose the player that is <span class="effect">Arrested</span> you will be unable to learn their role.

Team Neighbour


Find out who died in the night.

You are able to save that player from <span class="conspirer">Death</span> if you have enough <span class="ability">Medicine</span> to do so, you start the game with 0 <span class="ability">Medicine.</span>

If you choose to not save, or are unable to, you gain one <span class="ability">Medicine.</span>

If you do not wake up, for whatever reason, you will not be able to save or make any medicine.

Team Neighbour


<span class="bold conditionalAbility">Odd Turns:</span> <span class="bold ability">Empower </span> yourself and influence the outcome of the vote, yours will count twice.

<span class="bold conditionalAbility">Even Turns:</span> <span class="bold ability">Temporarily Shield</span> another player and protect them from the next vote.

If the <span class="bold neighbour">Saint</span> is killed you will get both abilities every turn.

Team Conspirer


<span class="bold conditionalAbility">Even Turns:</span> <span class="bold ability">Empower </span> yourself and influence the outcome of the vote, yours will count twice.

<span class="bold conditionalAbility">Odd Turns:</span> <span class="bold ability">Temporarily Shield</span> another player and protect them from the next vote.

If the <span class="bold conspirer">Sinner</span> is killed you will get both abilities every turn.

Team Neighbour


Find out who died in the night.

If you want to you may swap roles with them, if you do swap then any <span class="ability">limited abilities</span> that the role may have had will be reset.

Team Neighbour


Make a player <span class="effect">Drunk.</span>

The player that is <span class="effect">Drunk</span> can not take part in the discussion in the following Day Phase.

A player can not be made <span class="effect">Drunk</span> two nights in a row.

Team Neighbour


You have no special abilities.

You must work together with your teammates to find the <span class="conspirer">Conspirers</span>, vote them off before they kill you all!

Team Neighbour

Teenage Conspirer

Wake up during the night and as a team choose who you want to kill.

That player will die in the morning if another role does not prevent it.

<span class="upgrade">Only available when the Teenager's role model is dead.</span>

Team Conspirer


Try and eliminate players that are not on your team.

Remember, if you change teams then your targets will also change.

You will only have <span class="ability">one bullet.</span> Be careful, if your victim is on your team then you will be riddled with guilt and end up killing yourself!

Team Neighbour

Shadow Warden

Remain hidden in plain sight.

Cast your vote during the day just like everyone else, your vote will not be counted though.

If you vote for the player who died and that player was on the <span class="bold conspirer">Conspirer team</span> you will inherit their role and abilities.

Beware, you will not wake up in the night therefore your identity is unknown to your team, and theirs is unknown to you. Stay sharp, or risk falling victim to the chaos.

Team Conspirer

You will be playing one of these characters in the game. Learn what their roles are and what team they are all on.



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